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May 12, 2008 Joint Meeting w/ Selectman
Joint Board of Finance and Board of Selectman Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes 5/12/08

The meeting was called to order by Marie E. DeSousa at 7:05p.m. at the East Windsor High School Board of Education Room N-4.


Board of Finance                                Board of Selectman
Marie DeSousa, Acting Chairperson              Denise Menard, First Selectman
Jason Bowsza                                                  Gil Hayes, Deputy First Selectman
Jack Mannette                                                  Mark Simmons
Robert Little                                                    Ed Farrell                       
Kathy Pippin, Alternate                                   Dale Nelson

ABSENT: Leo Szymanski, BOF Alternate
                 JoAnn Kubick

OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE – Mary Szabo, Treasurer
                                                    Kim Scavatto, Treasurer’s Office

Marie DeSousa stated the purpose of the meeting was to consider recommendations and suggestions from the Public Hearing of May 6, 2008. The minutes of that meeting were issued to everyone.

Motion made by Jason Bowsza to appoint Kathy Pippin as a full voting member for this meeting – 2nd by Robert Little – Motion Carried.

The meeting started with a lengthy discussion regarding the police department budget cuts. The areas discussed were the dispatcher request, overtime variable reduction and the training budget reduction. The determination was made to leave the Police Budget as presented.

The request for a full time Park &Rec Grounds Maintainer was discussed. It was decided to leave as presented.

There was some discussion regarding who was authorized to speak at the May 6, 2008
Public Hearing. It was also discussed that the Town of Ellington budget process allows for more than one public hearing. Jack Mannette to forward information on the process for future consideration.
Discussion took place regarding the recommendation that regular BOF meetings allow for public input. State Statutes to be reviewed.

Conversation took place regarding the 4% overall budget comment that was made.

Board of Finance and Board of Selectman Joint Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes 5/12/08 page2

Discussion took place regarding the legal opinion and comments regarding a 5 year phase in process.

Motion made by Robert Little not to have a phase in process –2nd Jack Mannette – Motion Carried

The audit report for the Broad Brook Fire Department is still pending. Denise Menard has been charged with following up on its status.  Due to the approval of the BBFD utility vehicle at town meeting the capitol improvement account was reduced by $50,000.00.

Motion made by Marie DeSousa to bring to the Annual Town Budget Meeting on May 20, 2008 a 7.87% change from the FY 2007-2008 budget for a total BOF recommendation for FY 2008-2009 in the amount of $32,962,759.00 with a mill rate proposal of 21.84%  - 2nd Kathy Pippen – Motion Carried (Robert Little and Jack Mannette voted no and Kathy Pippen and Jason Bowsza voted yes – tie broken by Marie DeSousa.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,               
Marie E. DeSousa                                           
Secretary, BOF